» » The soiled doves of Tijuana (2023)

The soiled doves of Tijuana (2023) streaming

The soiled doves of Tijuana streaming VF
The soiled doves of Tijuana (2023)

Année de production: 2023
Nationalité: France
Durée: 1h 22min
Réalisé par: Jean-Charles Hue
Langues: Français
"The Soiled Doves of Tijuana" is a film directed by Jean-Charles Hue. The story is set in the city of Tijuana, known for its vibrant nightlife and red-light district. The film follows a group of young women who work as prostitutes, commonly referred to as the "soiled doves," as they navigate their lives in this complex and sometimes dangerous environment.

The main character, Angelica, is a determined young woman from a disadvantaged background who enters the sex industry in order to support herself and her family. As she immerses herself deeper into this world, she forms unexpected friendships with her fellow sex workers, who become her support system in this challenging lifestyle.

Through their interactions, the film sheds light on the different individual stories and motivations of these women. Some of them choose this path willingly, seeing it as a means to financial independence, while others have been forced into it due to circumstances beyond their control.

The film also explores the relationships between the soiled doves and their clients, portraying both the tenderness and exploitation that can be present in these encounters. It delves into the complexities of power dynamics and the blurred lines between consent and coercion within this industry.

As the story unfolds, Angelica begins to question her choices and the impact of her work on her personal life. She grapples with the moral dilemmas that come with her profession, ultimately questioning whether there is a way out of this life.

"The Soiled Doves of Tijuana" provides a raw and thought-provoking portrayal of the lives of these women, examining their struggles, resilience, and dreams within a society that often stigmatizes and marginalizes them.

The soiled doves of Tijuana (2023) streaming VF

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